My first Bullet Journal - Tips for beginners


Hey guys,

so today is the day - I will write this post in English even though 99,9% of all my readers are probably German. But since I am really into this bullet journal thing for a while, I thought it would be better to write in a language that nearly everybody in front of the computers can understand.

Perhaps there are some people who really don't know anything about bullet journals - as for me, I can say that I have been one of those. I have never heard of BuJo before but I believe Jasmin was the person who gave me a first impression about writing, lettering and all this stuff you should know when you write a BuJo. As you already know, I love papers, agendas, writing letters and lists over lists: to do-lists, to eat-lists, to buy-lists, to travel-lists - even for my budget I have many lists. I could say I'm obsessed with them...
I have seen an ironic picture on Instagram which said: "I love planners, highlights, ball point pens, to do lists & anything else that gives me the illusion that I'm getting my life together." Haha, no kidding.

So, what is a bullet journal about? I use it for my daily, weekly, monthly and yearly plans. I'm sure that there are many of you who use it instead of their agendas to plan their meetings. Personally, I love my big Leuchtturm 1917 academic week planner so that I want to use both - besides, I also use around 5 other notebooks: for my to do-lists, for my income and my expenses, for all the stuff I sell on the internet etc. pp. As you can see, I really have a lot to "plan" and to organize.

That's the reason why I thought the beginning of the new year 2017 would be a perfect time to start my own bujo. As you all know (because I always complain and haven't posted anything the last weeks) university doesn't mean going to parties and playing beer pong all the time, so that I couldn't find the time to start since I wanted to take enough time.

In this post, I want to share my notebook and my pencils with you as well as the first pages which I've already designed. (Perhaps 'designed' is a bit too much haha....)

Since I am really happy with my DIN A4 Leuchtturm1917 agenda I knew that the best choice would be this brand of which I've also heard a lot. Most of the users buy a Leuchtturm oder a Moleskine. Honestly, I also searched for other brands which are cheaper but I couldn't find any. After all, I can just recommend this one - for all my German readers, I bought it online in the PAPIERFISCHER onlineshop for 14€ and a few cents which is a lot cheaper than the nearly 20€ price you can find in other shops. I love the paper even though some pencils are bleeding (for example the typical stabilo fineliners you have at home!). The texture and feeling while writing on the paper is so gorgeous that I could write anything just to have this feeling for a few seconds. No, I'm not kidding. Everybody who loves writing as much as I do will understand me!

The Faber Castell 8 PITT artist pens in black were a spontaneous buy I did on the internet (amazon rules). Btw you should definitely compare alle the prices, it's really incredible how much money you can spend just for the SAME pens.
I don't want to spend too much time for the pen details but I can honestly say that they were (beside my Leuchtturm notebook) one of the best investition I have ever made for this stationery stuff. On the photos below you can see the different shades and versions - we have so many styles that I've already used each pen and you really need them all!

My favourite pen is the SB which is just awesome for titles and big lettering. I think I will use this one too for creating some wallpapers for my room... Although I am not a great artist or anything I'm so glad I have these pens because they make it so much easier than the pencils I had at home before starting my bujo.
I am quite sure that I will order them in a few months once more...

Of course you need a pencil, a rubber, some coloured pencils and a square, too. Thanks to my beloved friend who gave me her crayons so that I am well-equipped right now. On my wishlist there are definitely some coloured Faber Castell artist pens even though I really like the clean black and white-design at the moment.

So now I want to show you guys my future log which is one oft the most important pages (for me). Here you can find all your dates you shouldn't forget - for example birthdays, holidays, exams etc. As you can see I haven't written anything because I first wanted to take some photos for you.
I really like the way I have written 2017 (with the pen SB of course) and the word "future log" with the S pen. What do you think about it?

Another page which I honestly don't like as much as I like some others is this one. "A year in pixels" is a nice idea to point out how your day was so that you can see the differences and development during the week, the month and the entire year. I put some types of days and hope these are enough for my mood. I think I won't show you the result since it is quite private how you spend your days!

I have also done some photos of my other pages but I will write a post about them in a few days, so stay tuned!

How do you like the idea of having a bullet journal? What do you think about my first pages? Which notebook and pencils do you use? Any tips?

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3 Kommentare

  1. Hallo liebe Kristina :) Ich kannte solche BuJos auch lange nicht und kenne sie erst seit einigen Wochen und finde sie aber unheimlich schön und toll. Ich bin eigentlich auch voll das Mädchen für sowas, aber neben Uni, Arbeit, Freund und Freunden schaffe ich es zeitlich gerade noch so zu essen und zu duschen, dementsprechend hätte ich niemals die Zeit das Buch zu gestalten :( Aber umso lieber gucke ich es mir bei anderen an hihi! Schöner Post Liebes! Liebe Grüße <3 Mona

  2. Hallo liebe Kristina :) Ich kannte solche BuJos auch lange nicht und kenne sie erst seit einigen Wochen und finde sie aber unheimlich schön und toll. Ich bin eigentlich auch voll das Mädchen für sowas, aber neben Uni, Arbeit, Freund und Freunden schaffe ich es zeitlich gerade noch so zu essen und zu duschen, dementsprechend hätte ich niemals die Zeit das Buch zu gestalten :( Aber umso lieber gucke ich es mir bei anderen an hihi! Schöner Post Liebes! Liebe Grüße <3 Mona

  3. Ich habe jetzt vor kurzem auch Bullet Journaling angefangen. Mal sehen wir lange ich das kontinuierlich mache, Ich hoffe eine Weile. :)
    Liebe Grüße,

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